Boca Raton, where Westford Assest Management is located, was incorporated as a town in 1925 and since that time has experienced steady and substantial growth. As of 2004, the City had 83,960 residents. Boca Raton is the 25th most populous city in the State of Florida, and United States Census statistics from 2000 show Boca Raton to be the second largest city in Palm Beach County.
Boca Raton is enjoying the results of the economic expansion of the 1990s. After weathering the economic storms of the 1980s and the loss of a major employer, the City has seen a steady increase in its industrial base. Boca Raton has become a Mecca for innovative computer development, using a well-educated, computer literate community as its base. Because of its initiative, the City has reaped the benefits of effective land use planning -- a stable tax base with increasing property values.
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